
” It is wrong for women to demand equality for women ” says actor indrans

Actor Indrans says if it was not for WCC, there would have been more support in the actress assault case. In an express dialogue of New Indian Express, Indrans explained that the case is because the law of the land is strong and not because of the existence of WCC.. WCC is like a club. Indrans said that women have nothing to lose by not having it.

Arguing for equality is like dragging down the dignity of women. The glory of woman is above that of man. Those who cannot recognize it say that they should come with us. And they’re never on top. Shouldn’t it be like that?

Cinema is not like a company job. Entitlements can be claimed only when working in a permanent establishment. A producer comes from nowhere. The film is made in ten to thirty days. What right to ask in this. Will he not do as he pleases? We can join if we want or we don’t.

All the laws will be followed in our country. No matter how much it is hidden, it will happen. Even if there is no special organization for it, it is the same. Sometimes there would have been someone to argue a little harder. There are those who stay away thinking that if we join, we will fall into it. There is a law and justice in the world. And so it goes.

It is a group of few people. Let’s stand like a club. Not wrong, to each his own. Thinking that it is not there does not diminish anything of women. Even without WCC, it would have been like this. I don’t believe that the case of attacking the actress happened because of them.- said Indrans.

Indrans says that the action was taken because of the intervention of WCC, including in the case of assault on the actress. I don’t believe anything would have happened without WCC. Is it possible for the organization to grow up and preach to the organization? It will be difficult for all who carry it out. Everyone is spending out of hand and wasting time. When such problems arise, some committee will be formed. So nothing ends. Each organization has something to say. What happens to each is what each person decides or the result of their actions. Even a small complaint will become big today. If you have the ability to speak in front of the camera, the subject will become even bigger.- says Indrans.

There is disagreement that the WCC was formed in the film because there was no one to ask and tell. Indrans says that it is because of associations like Amma and Makta that filmmakers have people to ask and talk to. Indrans said that even the mother could not do anything to resolve the sexual harassment complaints.

Everyone just has to look at them. If one of the group falls, it can be supported. Mother can’t do anything but help. Legally they can’t even buy it if I don’t get the money. They are doing their best as an organization. If there is any need for the members of Amma, they will intervene.

Indrans also responded to the sexual allegations leveled against Vijay Babu. I myself saw her (the actress) for the first time in that film. They are not members of any organization. I don’t know anything about that. Males come, females come. They all have various relationships. It doesn’t go looking for anything or sneaking around. Indrans said that it can happen in any work organization.


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